Energy Consumption
Design Interface
Testing on other Interfaces
Getting Feedback
In this task, we were asked to design an interface in our group that would be able to accomodate other people's energy consumption datas, which they have collected. We were given red paper, different coloured strings and pins to work on our idea.

As we did not know how other people would record their data. Therefore, we wanted to create an interface that would be usuable for everyone, so we determined the most important and popular catergories in our data collection for our energy consumptions and we worked on producing an interface that would be able to accomodate both meter/gas readings and the daily usage of different appliances and electricals for all the days in the week and the amount of hours spent on using each appliance/electrical as a time measurement.
A final sketch plan for how interface would look like up on wall and the amount of catergories, values, integers, units that would be needed for each column.
An early circular and bar chart design idea sketch for data displaying as well, which was not used for our final interface.
A list of chosen catergories and integers for meter readings in order.
After making a series of initial sketches, we cut the red paper we were given into smaller sheets to write the different catergories and values on.

Once this was completed, we moved on to pin these up on the wall. Our first column consisted of the 7 days in the week in which we monitored our energy consumption, we started off with Tuesday, as this was the day we received our task for collecting data. The second column was a set of integers, which measured the meter readings for gas and electricity in meters cubed or kilowatts. To avoid confusion, we decided to put up an extra note on the side of the interface on the wall to ensure people use different coloured strings for gas and electricity. The third column consisted of the main and most popular catergories for energy consumption (eg. charging, work, play) and thje last column cosisted of a list of ascending numbers that represent the hours spent on each appliance or electrical.

The interface works by having one coloured string (or 2 depending on whether the person has meter readings), connect through a series of different catergories and hours for each day, and repeating this process for every day of the week.